If you want your child to have a high sense of self-esteem, don’t go out of your way to praise her; go out of your way to make sure she experiences mastery in many different ways. We want to be teaching life skills, not providing…

If you want your child to have a high sense of self-esteem, don’t go out of your way to praise her; go out of your way to make sure she experiences mastery in many different ways. We want to be teaching life skills, not providing…
When your child does something positive, give him a specific complimentary adjective. This is different from saying “good boy”. Why not say “good boy”? Say you ask your child to clean his room. You walk in and the floor is clean and it seems everything…
Before your child has a new experience, tell her a social story about the upcoming activity. Explain to your child what is about to happen. There are many benefits of telling a child what to expect beforehand. The child is not confused about what will…
CARING FOR YOURSELF Parenting young children can be extremely difficult at times. To rejuvenate, do things for yourself. If you have not made any investments in yourself, you will not have anything to give to your child. Some say that every day you should do…
When children resist your requests, there are a variety of parenting tools you can use. Sometimes it is wise to give children limited choices. Other times it works to use “I Messages”. And sometimes you can set boundaries using the 3 step method outlined below.…
What can you do to prevent your child having a full blown tantrum? A child could be having a temper tantrum for any or a combination of the following reasons: A) He is used to getting his way. To prevent a child from getting…
Help! My child is very emotional and has lots of fits and/or tantrums. I’m tired of the screaming, fits, pouting and rage. In order to better control himself and to interact with others, a child needs to be aware of what he is feeling and…
Self-regulation is a deep, internal mechanism that underlies mindful, intentional and thoughtful behaviors of children. Self -regulated children can delay gratification, stop themselves from doing something inappropriate, and consider more appropriate alternatives. There is a big difference between children who behave well because they are…
It is normal for every person to experience a wide range of emotions. But children often are frustrated, happy, annoyed, proud, etc all within one hour! Worse, they sometimes have uncontrolled tantrums. Hearing negative emotions from a child often is irritating and difficult for a…