I don’t think it is appropriate for a child younger than 6 to have much screen time. Some would respond to this that we are doing our children a disservice not exposing them to all of the computer gadgets that are now central to adult…

I don’t think it is appropriate for a child younger than 6 to have much screen time. Some would respond to this that we are doing our children a disservice not exposing them to all of the computer gadgets that are now central to adult…
Why do we put our children in front of the television? Probably because we are exhausted from work, traffic, paying bills, etc. We all deserve some downtime to ourselves, but too much screen time can impair a child’s development. So what do we do? Children…
Play is a natural promoter of intellectual growth, literacy, creativity, imagination, and social/emotional development. Play promotes intellectual growth. Children, while playing, develop the ability to learn to think symbolically and abstractly. The development of symbolic and abstract thought is the ability to represent thoughts, feelings…